Entropia Universe: how can you earn money by playing online


Entropia Universe is the most famous MMORPG game, Multi-World Real Cash Economy. The Swedish developer MindArk has set up a game with a PED currency (Project Entropia Dollars) that can be redeemed back in U.S. dollars according to the fixed exchange rate of 10:1.

The ‘Real Cash Economy’ model offers the players the opportunity to withdraw the accumulated capital directly into their bank account, so each ‘item’ has a real economic value and the capitalization of the accumulated PED can be made at any time. Download Entropia Universe here!

The game was released in 2003 under the title ‘Project Entropia’ with only one planet, Calypso. Rocktropia was released in April 2010 and the Next Island planet Arkadia was released in October 2011, Cyrene in 2012 and Toulan in 2014, and the travel among these planets is done via Space.

Over the time, Entropia Universe has won many awards, but has also established records registered by Guinness World Records Book. In 2004 and in 2008, Entropia Universe has been registered in the prestigious publication of records for the most expensive virtual world objects ever sold.

The series of records continued over time, so that in 2010 the investor Jon Jacobs sold the ‘Club Neverdie’ property for a fabulous amount of $ 635,000. The investors of Arkadia Planet sold property titles for ‘Arkadia Underground’ at $5 (50 PED) per unit in 2014, and this property was evaluated at $ 1,000,000.

The game is free of charge, there are no enrollment fees or any other payment system to access absolutely all the areas and experiences offered by Entropia Universe. Registering an account gives you the opportunity to travel among all the planets of the system, the opportunity to trade ‘items’, to provide services for a fee, to accumulate and capitalize the ‘skills’.

In other words, there are no restrictions or differences among the players. Each of them has the possibility to set their own course in the game and this does not depend on the activity of other players. The main activities carried out in the game are hunting, crafting items and mining. To carry out these activities, consumables are needed that can be purchased with PED.

There are also a number of activities involving PED consumption or any other cost: sweating creatures, fruit/stones walking, reselling, socializing, event management.

One can promote and practice services of healling, space taxi or any other service from which participants can accumulate PED, the limit of a player’s journey into the Entropia Universe is just in his imagination.

Registration in the Entropia Universe starts with creating an account, downloading the game and related content and then customizing the avatar.

It is important to note that the registration of a single avatar/player is allowed, the creation of more accounts is penalized and the player loses any progress or accumulated PED. Any breach of the terms and conditions of the game is sanctioned by permanent ban because of the economic aspect of the game.

With over 3 million created accounts and participants around the world, Entropia Universe is the biggest and most popular MMORPG game, and the developers from MindArk permanently present improvements and challenges, turning Entropia Universe into a relaxing source with economic implications which each player can control and lead them in his personal style.