Everyone believes that iPads are useful toys


Learning all you can about it is the best way for you to maximize the experience you have with it. Continue reading in order to gain lots of helpful information regarding boosting the usefulness of your iPad.

If your friends own iPads too, you can share your entire music and video library with them. Open your ITunes app and activate the home sharing function. You also need to enter your Apple ID in the music and video menu of your iPad. To access a shared library, open a music or video app and select more. You will then have access to a list of shared libraries.

Are you finding it annoying to receive constant messages from your iPad asking if you are interested in accessing a wifi network that it has detected? This can be turned off in settings. Press on Wi-Fi and turn off the last option to discontinue these prompts.

Maximize security by setting your iPad to erase all of your data after ten failed password entry attempts. Navigate to Settings, then General, then Passcode Lock. Select the Erase Data option. Just make sure that you remember your passcode or write it down in a safe place. Make sure that others who have permission to use your device do the same.

Everyone believes that iPads are usefull toys

If a four-digit passcode is not substantial enough for you, change it. Under the Settings menu, navigate to General and then to Passcode Lock. Disable the Simple Passcode option. This allows you to use any password to lock and unlock your device. Your email and attachments will also be more secure with a more complex passcode.

A quicker way to access websites is using the “.com” key. When browsing in Safari, you can save time typing website addresses by just tapping on this key. You can also have other options by holding down on this key. When you tap and hold down, you will have a menu that will give other options to the “.com” address.

If your iPad turn by turn directions are too soft or loud, change them in settings. Some people may need a little extra volume for these directions, while others like them softer. No matter your need, you can make adjustments right in your iPad settings. You can even turn off the voice if you don’t want it.

If you are struggling with the battery life of your iPad, don’t fret. First, you should be sure to close any programs that you aren’t using. Also, keep your brightness at a low but comfortable level whenever possible. Finally, be sure to turn off any music programs when you aren’t using them.

When web browsing privacy is important on your iPad, turn on private browsing. Sometimes the things you are searching for or looking at are highly sensitive or personal, so much so that you don’t want a history. That’s ok, the iPad has you covered. You can turn on private browsing from the Safari menu in settings.

If you enjoy listening to audio-books, you’ll love the VoiceOver application under Accessibility settings. This feature will read aloud any text displayed on the screen. Open your favorite e-book or blog and your iPad will read it to you! This is perfect for listening in your car or while you are doing work around the house.

Use iTunes to back up your data. You do not want to lose all of your music, apps pictures and other data if your iPad was to crash. Use iTunes to store by going to your Summary tab, then checking the Encrypt iPad backup that is found under the Options. This way, all of your information is stored safely somewhere other than your iPad.

Do you want your emails to stop saying at the end that they were sent from your iPad? That is actually an email signature, and you can change it to anything you want. Go to your Mail section under your Settings. Then select Calendars under Contacts and use the Signature setting.

Lots of people get annoyed by the battery percentage icon. You can turn it off, thankfully. All you need to do is go to settings, tap on general, and then usage. There, you’ll find an off button. If, at a later time, you want to enable it again, follow the same procedure.

Everyone believes that iPads are useful toys

When you first purchased your iPad, pages loaded quickly. Now, you are noticing your machine is not as snappy in it responses as it used to be. Over time, the installation of data and apps will slow down your iPad. To keep your iPad at optimum speed, periodically review the information and apps you have installed and delete those that are no longer being used. By doing this, your iPad will become snappier in its response again.

If you do not like the search engine, you are using on your iPad, you can change it. All you need to do is go to Settings, then Safari, and finally, search engine. Here, you can choose which search engine you would like. Just be aware that you can only pick from Bing, Yahoo, or Google.

Do you find you often want to take screenshots on your iPad? It is easier than you may think it is. Just use the sleep and home button at the same time. When you see a flash, you will know that a screenshot was taken. You screen shots are saved automatically, so you will not need to worry about making sure to save them afterwards.

Are you noticing an increasing number of scratches on your screen? Although your iPad can sustain lots of damage, whenever you notice tiny scratches, then you should probably put on a screen protector. It protects both your iPad and your fingers from getting scratched.

Many people that use one know that an iPad is a fantastic gadget that saves time. Time spent understanding all of the amazing features to get the most from this fabulous device is time well spent. Review the information here and your iPad’s potential will soon exceed your expectations.

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